



"Naomiluz Deslumbrará con su Talento en el Teatro Colón junto a Disney 100"

Naomi Luz Sanchez mas conocida como Naomiluz es sin ninguna duda una artista multifacética. Su talento conmueve al público con su alma y su espíritu a través sus movimientos en la danza.

La nacida en Bahía Blanca se formó como bailarina desde los seis años capacitandose en el Teatro Colón. Actualmente integra el cuerpo de bailarines Mac Ross Showmakers dirigida por Disney Company y forma parte del espectáculo Disney 100 en el Teatro Colón por los 100 años de Disney.

Naommiluz una artista imponente

Naomi se especializa en ballet, contemporaneo, jazz, lyrical jazz, hip hop, urbano y folcklore. Pero no sólo baila, también canta. Su registro meso soprano hace que la artista brille en todo su esplendor. Su maestra fue la prestigiosa Mirta Arrua Lichi.

Además, estudió tres años acrobacia de piso y gracias a eso las oportunidades aumentarok considerablemente.

Naomiluz, la cara de Free Fire

Tras el éxito obtenido en la aplicación Likee, le permitió colaborar con dos videojuegos más taquilleras del mundo: Call of Duty y principalmente y el Free Fire.

En 2019, tuvo la oportunidad de viajar a Mexico junto a Huawei para el lanzamiento de su nuevo modelo de celular Honor. En este evento pudo conocer a dos creadoras de contenido que tambien fueron seleccionadas por la aplicación Sam Bechara (Brasil) y Heidi Michelle (Houston, Texas) siendo todo el trip patrocinado por Likee.

Naomiluz en la apertura de Showmatch en 2021

Fue parte de las bailarinas de la apertura y cierre del prestigioso programa conducido por Marcelo Tinelli, Showmatch.

La representación que no tuvo éxito

En 2022, el manager del cantante Juan Manuel Fornasari contactó a Naomiluz con el fin de representarla y hacerla una estrella. Pero algo pasó en el medio que el proyecto se disolvió.

Los orígenes de Naomiluz

La mayor parte de sus ingresos provienen de las redes sociales y trabajos relacionados a sus capacidades. Para ellos constaron años de practicas, fracasos, entrenamiento, estudio y no desistir ante la cantidad de creadores de contenido.

Cómo nació el nombre Naomiluz

Su mamá le piso ese nombre con mucho amor y se inspiró en la modelo de los años 90, Naomi Campbell.

Los tiempos dificiles de Naomiluzcasi pierde a sus padres

Cuando era pequeña casi pierde a sus padres a causa de prostata y cancer de mama, los dos al mismo tiempo.

Cuáles son los sueños de Naomiluz

La artista multifacética se ve exitosa tanto en la tele como en el teatro. Y, sueña con tener algún día una marca de maquillaje.


Sus redes sociales:

Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@naomiluzok?_t=8Vh2F7KpPs5&_r=1

Instagram: https://instagram.com/naomiluzok?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Snapchat: https://instagram.com/naomiluzok?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Likee: https://l.likee.video/p/ad9ILZ




Belleza y Estilo: Descubre el Mundo de Sofía Morales

Sofia morales se dedico a la gerencia de la clinica internacional carlos morales presente en colombia, republica dominica y estados unidos. «Presto asesoria a nivel de estetica dental a todos los pacientes que requieren nuestros servicios. soy una apasionada por el buen servicio y hacer sentir a todos nuestros pacientes comodos con nuestro mi trabajo», conto.


«En mi campo de trabajo llevo aproximadamente 18 años de trayectoria en los que he logrado pocisionar la marca», conto Sofia.


Su Instagram:




Sofia Morales conto el area en la cual se desempeña «Me desempeño en el area de la estetica oral hace 18 años. Todo inicio con una pasion por el trabajo que realizaba mi hermano como odontologo con la simetria facial. Me emocionaba  ver los cambios logrados en esta area. Esto me llevo a la gerencia de la clinica de mi hermano y la asesoria de todos los pacientes para lograr un cambio positivo en su apariencia».

«Todas mis asesorias son totalmente personalizadas, no sigo ningun estandar de belleza me enfoco en las caracteristicas faciales de cada persona para lograr grandes resultados», explico.


«Mi mayor desafio ha sido el mercado de la odontologia actualmente y lo enfrente exponiendo mi factor principal que es la personalizacion de cada caso», relato.



"Mayfair Marketing and Luke Morgan: A winning combination in the world of marketing"


Luke Morgan was interested in Marketing for over 10 years. He started in 2012 and learned how to grow Instagram accounts to have a large following. "I built a network of millions of followers and learned how to sell products through different links on my social networks," he said. Luke Morgan told how he did to sell a lot. "Between 2012 and 2014 I sold over 50,000 t-shirts worldwide through this network and my love for marketing was locked for life. After this, I got a position in a big clothing company as a Marketing Manager. I worked there 6 years and helped them expand to new countries and ship over 250,000 orders", he said. Luke Morgan what his strengths were. "I realized that my main strength was paid advertising management. In 2019 I started my marketing agency and for the last 4 years we have been working with companies around the world to help increase their revenue through paid advertising management. ", he said. Luke Morgan recounted his current business "My current business is Mayfair Marketing. We specialize in Paid Advertising Management to help clients achieve new revenue goals. We also work with businesses to identify new profit areas, develop our business services and ultimately reach the next level in their advertising journey," he said. Luke Morgan leaves a very important message to continue growing. "Focus less on being a perfectionist and focus more on completing a greater variety of tasks. While completing tasks to a very high standard is fantastic, there is a point of declining returns and that leads to wasting time on projects I didn't consider before.", he said.



Austin, a successful self-made Entrepreneur


Austin is a successful self-made Entrepreneur, Innovator, Investor, Venture Capitalist, Mentor, Philanthropist & Wine Connoisseur with over 20 years in business leadership and (10 years) of service in the Singapore Armed Forces Polish Private Military Unit.

His investments are spread across various verticals including Finance, Fintech, Real Estate Sales and Marketing, Hospitality Management, F&B, New-age Industrial Electronics, Start-Up Growth and Fitness & Health industries. These investments cover the globe, including countries like Singapore, India, China, Thailand, UAE & the UK.


Austin has the vision to build an ecosystem of thinkers, subject matter experts and entrepreneurs (budding and established) on a global level, a space for all to interact and get their ideas vetted, find the next co-founder/investor/team member, grow businesses and put them on a global map.


Austin is a successful venture capitalist and has a strong understanding of business development with demonstrated experience working in the financial services industry. His primary areas of speciality revolve around helping organisations grow by optimising revenue streams and creating growth strategies.


Currently, he is the Director of Strategy for Zerodha, the largest stockbroker platform in India.


He is also the co-founder and CEO of AGV and UTG Capital, Venture Capitalist of Rainmatter and IST Labs and the CFO of IST Labs.


His experience lies in all aspects of business formation, management & operations as well as revenue generation & finance. His multitude of skills includes business planning, strategic management, generating direct sales, all of which are driven by his incredible leadership skills.


Beyond his exceptional technical skills, he is also an effective communicator who identifies, leverages, and motivates teammates, the biggest assets, to reach organizational goals. This is also reflected in his thought that people should follow the quote “Fail early, fail often but ALWAYS FAIL FORWARD”


Turning his passion for boxing into a unique business idea, Austin started F.F.C. Fitness Fight Club, a Combat and HIIT Circuit Training School with unique fitness programs.


IG: https://www.instagram.com/austinprakesh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D




Greta, investment adviser

Greta is a great entrepreneur and an exemplary model expert in luxury real estate. People recognize her from videos and motivational speeches that she has given on various Social Networks. She is known in the Dubai nightlife as she wears luxury outfits from famous designers.

She made 10 million dollars in 6 months in real estate sales, fearing success as the main challenge but trusting in it and in the law of attraction. That way, everything would work out, she told us. She is a lover of the gym and paddle tennis. It motivates people to take care of their physical health and activities.


Greta, she also tells us, sees herself running a multi-million dollar real estate brokerage company in the not too distant future as a businesswoman.


Miss Greta is the best seller with more than 50 million sales in luxurious real estate


Her goal is to be more recognized and to be a luxury real estate agent in dubai.



En el modelo de negocio de la plataforma de origen británico, los usuarios se quedan con 80% de las membresías que pagan sus seguidores por apreciar su contenido privado. Lo cierto es que es una plataforma que está permitiendo a aquellos que quieran exhibir su cuerpo, ganar ingentes cantidades de dinero. Es el caso de Francesca Trisini, que con sólo 18 años, hoy está haciendo historia dentro de la plataforma, y destacándose entre las influencers más codiciadas en la misma. Ella es estudiante de Relaciones Públicas y Publicidad en España, aunque de origen Venezolano. Su historia es algo diferente a la del resto de los famosos de Only. Ella ya era súper reconocida dentro de Instagram y Tik Tok (@francescatrisini), pero jamás había pensado en subir contenido a OF. Cuando descubrió que cuentas falsas tenían contenido suyo en la plataforma, que ella estaba subiendo gratis, se animó a dar el paso. «¿Pues por qué no sacar provecho de aquello, y además, ganar dinero?» “Necesitaba costear mis estudios universitarios pero jamás pensé que podría ir mucho más allá de eso. Realizó unas primeras pruebas que fueron un éxito rotundo. Con tan solo 10 meses, mensualmente está generando miles y miles de dólares (asegura que ni puede mencionar el monto!). “Muchas personas tienen prejuicio hacia esta plataforma. Eso no me frena. Yo lo veo como una oportunidad de crecimiento y una forma de que valoren nuestro trabajo. Mi familia lo sabe y está de acuerdo, me apoya, no necesito más”.


Today we meet Ale Hammoud, a sales professional


Ale Hammound is a sales professional, speaker and trainer based in Düsseldorf. In 2013, Ale Hammoud started his first online business, his goal at that time was very superficial and he just wanted to drive an AMG, like a normal salaryman. Ale Hammoud knew he would make it and started his online business and after 6 months he reached his goal. He is currently Sales Manager for Process Optimization and Consulting at Mindset Coach.

Ale Hammound is one of the strongest salesmen in Germany, helping and scaling companies to millions of sales. At first he was one of the first to know where to go because he had a good nose. In 2014, Ale Hammond bought the BTC. The journey was about to begin, he experienced losses as well as gains.


Ale Hammound trained more than 300 salespeople and the first 3 in Germany in the sales structure. Ale Hammound said that he was able to learn more and more from the mistakes he made. «The many mistakes have gotten me to where I am. They were essential along the way. What keeps you going when times get tough? * perseverance, determination, ambition! Your Instagram is: http://www.instagram.com/alee.hammoud



REENA SKY, a fantastic woman

Reena Sky is a sensational adult film star, model, cam girl and feature dancer who has been performing in porn since 2006. Famous for her compelling girl/girl collaborations, Reena Sky is a fan-favorite performer who won “Best Girl/Girl Sex Scene” at the 2017 AVN Awards and who continues to receive many “Most Epic Ass (Fan Award)” and “Best All-Girl Group Sex Scene” nominations at the AVN Awards. She currently creates some of her hottest scenes to date on her www.reenaskystore.com website.

Reena Sky thinks that life is full of ups and downs. “What always keeps me motivated is my family. I take breaks when necessary, but I really enjoy what I do,” said Reena Sky.


Also, Reena Sky told us about her dreams and goals. “I would love to evolve my brand out of the adult world and more into the mainstream. I would love to continue my real estate renovations and hopefully add this to my brand,” Reena Sky explained.



The success of Milada Moore

The history of Milada Moore is full of success. She was born in Donetsk, Ukraine. At the age of 14, she moved to Kyiv due to the Russian occupation. She studied architecture for two years but felt depressed. Milada Moore realized that she was heading in the wrong direction. It was there that she started earning on Only Fans.

A famous model saw her photos on Instagram and it helped her a lot in her new business.

Quickly, at the age of 18, Milada Moore bought an apartment and a car. She made her first half million dollars at just 20 years old. With her new business, she was able to help her family. First with her father's illness and then with her mother's work.


Malida Moore said she had a lot of discrimination about her body when she was in school. “A boy tried to grab my chest in 10th grade and I hit her really hard. I had no friends, but when I grew up they were able to find them, they were able to support me and now they are doing the same to me”, said Milada Moore.


Milada Moore said that she only listens to her heart because you can do more than you think.


Social networks:









LAURA VAN SALAZAR, una influencer espectacular

Laura Van Salazar es modelo, actriz, influencer y creadora de contenido. Tiene 25 años, nació en Colombia pero actualmente vive en Miami. Comenzó hacer videos fitness y eso la impulsó de manera espectacular. De 300 mil seguidores pasó a 1 millón y con varios contratos de publicidad. 

Su imagen ya es una marca. Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta indispensable para llegar a todo los rincones del mundo. Laura Van Salazar nos contó que el desafío más grande para crecer como modelo e influencer es encontrar el tipo de contenido que le va a gustar al público para así generar un buen engagement y ganar seguidores ya que hay millones de influencers en el mundo así que tienes que encontrar algo que te haga diferente o que llame la atención para poder sobresalir y crecer en la redes, cerró Laura Van Salazar. 

También, la influencer y modelo nos explicó que en las redes sociales hay que tener la mentalidad de que es un proceso que puede tomar bastante tiempo hasta empezar a generar ingresos de ello. Hay que alcanzar cierto nivel y número de seguidores para que las demás marcas quieran trabajar y colaborar contigo, tiró Laura Van Salazar. 

«Mi consejo para las personas que quieran iniciar en el mundo de las redes sociales es que no tengan miedo. Este es un universo lleno de variedad y si tienes algo interesante que puedes compartir con el mundo lo hagas con toda la motivación, no sabes a cuantas personas les va a gustar lo que haces y van a apoyarte, ya seas modelo, cantante, artista, bailarín, etc… Hay público para todo tipo de contenido, en las redes sociales no hay un límite», relató Laura Van Salazar. 

El miedo es una emoción negativa que no te deja avanzar. Laura Van Salazar dice que cuando dejas que el miedo se apodere de ti te frenas a seguir adelante con tus proyectos, pierdes la motivación y te bloqueas. Una de las claves para lograr tus metas es dejar el miedo atrás, dejar de pensar en lo que no va a pasar y enfocarte en lo que puedes hacer que pase.

Laura Van Salazar tiene varios proyectos en mente. Empezó hace poco con su marca de lencería Little Boo Thing. Pensó en tener una marca de un producto con el que se identifique y pueda mostrar y promocionar a través de sus redes y la lencería le pareció perfecta ya que está ligada con la sensualidad. La lencería de su marca la fabrica en Colombia para apoyar la economía de su país y luego la trae a EEUU.



Sameh Radwan is a renowned serial entrepreneur in the digital marketing industry who has both the experience and passion to help organizations achieve new levels of sustainable success.

As the founder of MOGUL, Sameh has over 10 years of extensive experience involving the intricacies of branding, omnichannel eCommerce/Amazon campaigns, and high-converting PPC advertising, and has a long-standing reputation as a guide to marketers. business leaders toward optimal scalability and brand exposure.


Throughout his career, Sameh has earned substantial status as a high performance marketing leader in various areas of the industry.


Fast-forward to today, Sameh's experiences have involved leading a $100 million marketing budget, collaborating with elite names like Kendall Jenner, and designing, developing, and executing customer-centric strategies that are proven to increase awareness and credibility. of the Internet for the product / brand names by double or more. Now, taking that 360-degree marketing dynamism and intertwining it with his rich history of business development and cross-functional leadership, Sameh created MOGUL. From its first launch in 2020 to now, MOGUL has become a fast-growing Amazon/marketing agency management resource and one with a long-standing track record in guiding companies to achieve illustrious brand and marketing excellence within the competitive digital market.


Get to know him more on his social networks like @samehradwan (TikTok, Instagram and Twitter)